Annapoorani Bhat, PYA Charlotte office managing principal, and Jeanna Palmer Gunville of healthcare law practice, Polsinelli PC, presented “Leveraging Brand Assets: Revenue Opportunities for Healthcare Providers” during the American Bar Association’s Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law 2023 Conference, March 8-10. PYA was honored to sponsor the conference.
The presentation focused on these areas:
- Brand use in healthcare
- Leveraging brand assets: brand value in healthcare
- Legal framework
- Brand valuation: why and how
- Protecting the brand
View presentation slides here.
A well-established brand positively impacts providers’ operations, so often in healthcare transactions, the brand name is identified as an asset. Annapoorani and Jeanna described how value can be attached to healthcare brand names; how healthcare organizations can leverage that asset both contractually and non-contractually; the legal framework associated with brand valuation; and ways to protect the brand.
Annapoorani specializes in valuation and related consulting services for companies in the health sciences sector, including providers, payers, and pharmaceutical companies. Her experience includes valuation of entities, and services including physician compensation arrangements for purposes such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, affiliations, and hospital-physician alignment arrangements.
If you would like guidance related to brand valuation or with any matter related to valuation, strategy and transactions, or compliance, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below, or call (800) 270-9629.