Provider Needs Assessment Dashboard
Provider workforce planning can be complicated, but PYA’s Provider Needs Assessment Dashboard can help you plan for the future with comprehensive, customized, uncomplicated insights into your data.
Negotiated Pricing Dashboard
PYA’s Negotiated Pricing Dashboard is a robust solution that allows you to quickly compare negotiated rates for healthcare services among peer health systems, facilities, and payers. View the video or try our Demo to learn more.
Open Payments Dashboard
PYA’s Open Payments Dashboard lets you quickly analyze payments by physician, specialty, or manufacturer. For example, with just two clicks you can quickly view all the physicians receiving payments from a specific manufacturer, as well as the nature of those payments, in a clear, easy-to-read format. View the video or try our Demo to learn more.
Data Insights Dashboards

Try our Negotiated Pricing, BPCI-A, Open Payments, SNF Compare, and SNF Risk Assessment demo dashboards here.
Service Line Analytics
PYA develops service line analytics dashboards to help healthcare organizations understand their cost structure and profitability–critical for sound decision making. Understanding the market and patient demographics, coupled with the organization’s internal data, bolsters strategic planning initiatives.
Claims Analysis & Benchmarking
Leading healthcare organizations depend on PYA’s experience in claims analysis and benchmarking used in litigation, compliance, and operational improvement projects. PYA’s national claims database allows claims to be benchmarked and analyzed at a granular level.
Network Analytics
To succeed under value-based initiatives, provider networks must risk-stratify patient populations, identify and evaluate utilization patterns, track participants’ performance on key indicators, and measure ROI on strategic initiatives. PYA’s Network Analytics Platform provides a full-service, reasonably priced solution beginning with the insertion of claims data through the delivery of customized reports.
Post-Acute Care Market Analyzer
In the transition to value-based care, it is increasingly important to understand what happens once your patient leaves the four walls of the hospital. PYA’s Post-Acute Care Analyzer allows organizations to view readmission rates, length of stay, and total cost of care specific to the organization’s patient volume. See our Calibrated Performance service line for details.
Episodic Analytics
Succeeding with bundled payments requires providers across the care continuum to be held accountable for providing the appropriate level of care with successful patient outcomes. PYA provides dashboards for organizations to effectively perform in a Medicare or commercial bundled payment program. We also enable organizations to explore the opportunity to bundle specific procedures using PYA’s national claims database.
For additional information on any of these topics or to find out how PYA’s Business Intelligence Services can benefit your organization, contact Jason Hardin, David McMillan, or Martie Ross at (800) 270-9629.