Published April 2, 2020

A Provider Resource Guide to Connecting Older Adults While Maintaining Social Distancing

Social distancing for older adults is necessary and troubling. It is an effective strategy for containing the spread of the coronavirus. Yet, social distancing itself may have a negative impact on the long-term health of older people.

“Nearly one quarter of Americans aged 65 and older who live in community settings are socially isolated, meaning they have few social relationships or infrequent social contact.”

This finding is part of a report on social isolation published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in February 2020. The report makes other important observations.

  • Healthcare providers may be in the best position to identify older individuals who are at highest risk for social isolation or loneliness.
  • For socially isolated individuals, the healthcare system may be their only point of contact within their broader community.
  • Evidence suggests social isolation is associated with increased likelihood of early death, dementia, and heart disease.
  • Factors that influence increased risk for social isolation include living alone, loss of family and friends, chronic illness, and sensory impairments.

By maintaining contact with older patients during the pandemic, providers can respond to patients’ healthcare needs and help patients locate community resources.

PYA has prepared helpful information for providers who want to use telehealth technology as a tool for providing care to patients. Telephone calls, or virtual visits, are also reimbursed by Medicare in specific circumstances. These doctor/patient communications serve as a vital link between shelter-in-place seniors and the world beyond their homes.

Older adults may need assistance with basic needs such as access to food, transportation assistance, in-home social services, and human connection during this extended period of physical distancing.

How do healthcare professionals connect an older person to social services? Although each community is different, these are reliable resources.

  • The Eldercare Locator. Program staff can direct people to local services. This is a project of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
  • Local Area Agency on Aging. They provide in-home services to adults 60 years and older and support for family caregivers. The local AAA (not the automobile people) arranges for services such as home-delivered meals, in-home supports, and transportation. If you do not know the name of your local AAA, the Eldercare Locator can assist.
  • Meals on Wheels™. This is the most well-known home-delivered meal program for older adults. To access home-delivered meals, people can contact the Area Agency on Aging, or reach out to Meals on Wheels directly. Online:
  • This organization can help seniors connect to programs and benefits for which they qualify, such as income assistance, food support, medication assistance, and low- income home energy assistance. BenefitsCheckUp is a project of the National Council on Aging.

Maintaining connection to older isolated people has never been more important, and providers can play a key role in ensuring this population stays connected.

If you would like more information about connecting with seniors, or connecting seniors with these programs, or would like any guidance related to COVID-19, access our COVID-19 hub, or contact one of our PYA executives below at (800) 270-9629.

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, this information was correct at the time of publication. Given the fluid situation, and with rapidly changing new guidance issued daily, be aware that some or all of this information may no longer apply. Please visit our COVID-19 hub frequently for the latest updates, as we are working diligently to put forth the most relevant helpful guidance as it becomes available.

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