Principal Kristen Davidson will discuss ways to mitigate compliance risks resulting from integration at the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) 2024 Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Conference Nov. 18-20 in Arlington, VA. The conference brings together compliance, quality, and regulatory officers, attorneys, chief executive officers, and others who manage regulatory compliance in healthcare organizations. Attendees will gain knowledge about regulatory changes, expectations, key areas of concern, and current enforcement priorities.
Davidson will be joined by Lauren Kootman, U.S. Department of Justice Assistant Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division, to present, “Mitigating Compliance Risks Resulting from Integration,” on Nov. 19. Davidson and Kootman will discuss the impact of the integrated governance structure on cultural change and the establishment of an inclusive common vision for a path forward. They will help attendees learn to establish integrated corporate compliance committees and evaluate risk assessment methodologies to identify potential integration risks. Attendees also will learn about integration risks related to reporting chaos and data inconsistencies with the use of multiple systems.
HCCA supports healthcare compliance professionals as part of SCCE & HCCA, a member-based association with more than 19,000 members worldwide. SCCE & HCCA promotes high standards in compliance and ethics programs through knowledge-rich educational opportunities.
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