It’s challenging to keep up with the latest news in healthcare, and even more difficult to figure out how these developments may impact your organization. PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep presented a one-hour webinar that jumped into what promises to be yet another busy year for healthcare. Topics included:
- Healthcare worker vaccine mandate
- Status of the COVID-19 public health emergency and related regulatory flexibilities
- Provider Relief Fund reporting
- COVID-19 inpatient coding
- Recent Supreme Court hearings on 340B and Medicare disproportionate share
- Co-location/shared space rules
- Final rule on organ procurement costs
- Increases in residency slots
- Final rule on closing the graduate medical education health equity gap
- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 2023 payment recommendations
The complimentary webinar took place January 26, 2022.
Resources: Slides
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.
If you would like assistance with COVID-19 regulations, Provider Relief Funds, or with any matter involving compliance, valuation, or strategy and integration, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below, or call (800) 270-9629. You can also visit PYA’s COVID-19 hub.