PYA was pleased to present the second annual Summer CPE Symposium, which took place June 22 & 23, 2023. During two complimentary half-day virtual sessions, PYA’s team of thought leaders and guest speakers offered in-depth and timely information focused on a variety of trending healthcare financial and compliance topics.
DAY ONE | JUNE 22, 2023
“State of the Healthcare Industry – Panel Discussion”
- PYA Managing Principal of Consulting Services David McMillan
- Jones Day Partner Ann Hollenbeck
- Oklahoma Hospital Association President & CEO Rich Rasmussen
- AdventHealth Division Corporate Responsibility Officer Matthew Vogelien
Our healthcare industry is in a constant state of change. Each year, its providers, administrators, and consumers are challenged with new regulations, new technologies, transforming points of access, and higher costs. The Summer Symposium “State of the Healthcare Industry – Panel Discussion” featured a discussion of many of these challenges from various viewpoints – advisor for the industry, legal counsel for the industry, health system compliance officer, and hospital association leader and advocate for hospitals.
Our panel of healthcare experts covered the following topics:
- End of the PHE – Biggest Pains, Biggest Wins
- Price Transparency – Boom or Bust?
- AI Will Overhaul Healthcare – Fact or Fiction?
- Industry Consolidation
Additional information related to our discussion on AI, provided by Matthew Vogelien: Trustworthy Augmented Intelligence in Health Care | SpringerLink
“Understanding Your 340B Program – Key Updates for 2023”
- PYA Principal Sarah Bowman
- PYA Manager Katie Garmon
The 340B program continues to be integral to covered entities (CEs) across the country. While HRSA maintains oversight of the 340B program, CEs are ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance with program requirements and staying informed of industry activity. This is of particular importance given the number of flexibilities extended to CEs during the Public Health Emergency which ended on May 12, 2023.
During this webinar, PYA Principal Sarah Bowman and Manager Katie Garmon discussed the 340B program, including an overview of key eligibility and compliance requirements, recent industry updates, and post-PHE considerations.
This session covered:
- 340B Eligibility Requirements and Program Overview
- Pre-Covid Compliance Requirements Including
Potential Billing Pitfalls - COVID-19 PHE Flexibilities
- Post-PHE Considerations
- Recent Industry Events and Activity Needed for
Continued Program Participation
RESOURCES: Slides – Session 1 | Slides – Session 2
DAY TWO | JUNE 23, 2023
“The Financial Effects of Healthcare’s Physical Environment”
- Realty Trust Group Director of Capital Projects David Paulaskas
Healthcare systems, hospitals, & physician groups are continuing to search for strategies to combat both reductions in reimbursements and increased operating costs. The environments in which these healthcare professionals provide the care and treatment to their patients has become an increasingly important component in both the quality of services provided and the business models for their operations.
During this webinar, we navigated some of the planning, design, and construction strategies that can be implemented within the healthcare environment and their impact on day-to-day operations.
This session covered:
- Patient, Visitor, & Team Safety
- Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores
- Patient & Staff Retention
- Operational Efficiencies
“Not-for-Profit: Risk Assessment – SAS 145 Updates”
- PYA Principal Matt Stuart
- PYA Manager Connor Fitzgerald
The AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board issued Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 145, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, in October 2021. The new SAS supersedes previously existing audit guidance on assessing risk. SAS 145 is effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2023.
During this webinar, PYA Principal Matt Stuart and Manager Connor Fitzgerald discussed the details of the new audit standard and how it will change the way audits will be conducted. The webinar focused on how the new standard will affect the audit process going forward, with an emphasis on what an auditee organization can do now to best prepare for future audits.
This session covered:
- General Introduction to SAS 145 and Changes to the Risk Assessment Process
- Risks Arising From the Use of IT: General IT Controls Under SAS 145
- Covering What Healthcare Entities Can Do Now To Prepare for the Changes and to Be Ready for Financial Statement Audits Under SAS 145
RESOURCES: Slides – Session 3 | Slides – Session 4
Each session offered one CPE* credit, with up to four CPE credits available for those who attended all live sessions.
If you would like additional guidance in these areas or with any matter related to strategy and transactions, compliance, or valuation, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below, or call (800) 270-9629.
*CPE: Participants can earn one CPE credit in Auditing, and three credits in Specialized Knowledge. Program Level: Intermediate. Delivery Method: Group Internet Based. Advanced Preparation: None. Prerequisites: None. No fee. PYA, P.C. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: