Spontaneous learning. Enduring knowledge. In real-time.

It’s educational. It’s conversational. But mostly, it’s unscripted. The PYA UnScripted webinar series gives participants the mic. Using real-time polling questions as conversation starters and guidance and knowledge from PYA experts, your answers direct the discussion. Get ready. The pace is brisk. The topics are relevant. The discussion is lively. And the knowledge is enduring.

The PYA UnScripted webinar series uses a lively, brisk, and conversational format to provide just-in-time information about urgent issues in the healthcare industry. Using a forum structure for panel discussion and guidance and knowledge from PYA experts, the webinar allows for an enriching dialogue to benefit attendees.


UnScripted Events

On-Demand Webinar: PYA UnScripted: “Call Coverage Qualms”
Presented April 18, 2024

On-Demand Webinar: PYA UnScripted: “Physician Retention”
Presented January 25, 2024

On-Demand Webinar: PYA UnScripted: “An Oncology-Focused Interchange in Financially Constrained Times”
Presented October 26, 2023

On-Demand Webinar: PYA UnScripted: “Value-Based Compensation Design”
Presented September 21, 2023

On-Demand Webinar: PYA UnScripted: “Provider Compensation Design of the Future”
Presented July 20, 2023