A podcast featuring PYA Principal Barry Mathis has been published on AHLA’s Speaking of Health Law channel. In “You’ve Been Hit With Ransomware, Now What?” Barry speaks with Elizabeth Hodge, Akerman LLP, about healthcare organizations’ response to ransomware and other cybersecurity incidents. He offers practical tips for preventing such incidents, and what to do should your organization fall victim to a ransomware attack, including the importance of cyber insurance and whether or not you should pay the “bad actors.”
The PYA-sponsored podcast is an offering of the Privacy and Security Risk Compliance and Enforcement Affinity Group of AHLA’s Health Information and Technology Practice Group.
Listen to the podcast.
If you would like assistance with IT security and compliance, visit our PYA Overwatch suite of services to see how we may be able to help, or contact a PYA executive below at (800) 270-9629.