PYA was pleased to present the first annual Summer CPE Symposium. The virtual event offered in-depth and timely information focused on a variety of trending healthcare financial and compliance topics. The “2022 Summer CPE Symposium: What’s Hot in Healthcare” event brought together our team of thought leaders, who offered their expertise and insight into price transparency, IT cost controls, value-based exceptions, revenue generation through clinical trials, Single Audits, and reimbursement.
In Session #2, PYA Principal Mike Nichols addressed cost reporting margins for Medicare, as well as reimbursement drivers. He covered:
- Medicare cost report margin calculation.
- Key Medicare inpatient PPS reimbursement drivers.
- Opportunities for improving margin.
- The influence of key drivers on cost report settlement.
View slides.
If you would like additional guidance in these areas or with any matter related to strategy and transactions, compliance, or valuation, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below, or call (800) 270-9629.