Published September 10, 2013

FDIC Video Series Provides Technical Assistance to Bankers

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has announced the release of a new series of educational videos intended to provide technical training to bankers on a range of regulatory issues.  The series, dubbed the Virtual Technical Assistance Program, will consist of six modules expected for release by the end of 2013.  According to the FDIC, this program will concentrate on areas of supervisory focus and regulatory changes.

Just over one hour in length, the first module is broken into eight individual videos that range from approximately four to twelve minutes each.  The videos address the key elements of a bank’s interest rate risk framework and include a discussion of the types of interest rate risk, measurement systems, assumptions used in interest rate risk models, and risk limits and mitigation. This segment is intended for management teams of community banks, particularly those involved in the asset/liability management function, including members of a bank’s asset/liability committee or similar senior management committee.

Additional modules slated to be released include:

  • Fair Lending
  • Appraisals and Evaluations
  • Troubled Debt Restructurings and the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
  • Evaluation of Municipal Securities
  • Flood Insurance Coverage

The Virtual Technical Assistance Program can be accessed on the FDIC’s Resource Center webpage here.

To discuss how PYA can assist your financial institution with meeting regulatory expectations in these and other areas, please contact the expert listed below at (800) 270-9629.

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